
Install BitNinja in CloudJiffy with One-Click

BitNinja is an easy-to-use, maintenance-free server security tool. It acts as an agent that resides in your infrastructure and sends information about an attack to a cloud server.

The servers protected by BitNinja collect and exchange information about attacks with each other, accumulating a knowledge base. If the attack occurs on a server protected by BitNinja and the IP is blocked, it will be blocked on all servers protected by BitNinja around the world. This BitNinja technology is called a Deffense Network.


  1. Realtime IP Reputation
  2. Honeypots
  3. WAF
  4. Log Analysis
  5. DOS Detection
  6. Malware Detection

Why use it on CloudJiffy?

  1. Easy to manage.
  2. One-Click Installation.
  3. Real-time scaling with an increase in users.
  4. Data replication and backup solution to keep your data safe.
  5. Highly secure infrastructure.The process is simple –visit our Marketplace and click on Add-Ons search for BitNinja. Give your environment a name and click on Install. Done!

Install BitNinja on CloudJiffy?

Step 1: Login to CloudJiffy.
Go to for your account or Log into your CloudJiffy account.


Step 2:Click on “Marketplace” to view the list of applications that can be installed automatically.

Step 3:
A new window displaying the Apps will open, Select the “BitNinja” instance and click on “Install”.

Step 4: 
In the opened installation dialog box:

  • Type Environment name to be used as its internal hostname
  • Select Node (if multiple ones are available) and click install.

Step 5:  Let the package install completely.

Step 6:  You’ll get he notification box, once the installation is successfully completes.

Step 7: Check your Email you would have been received BitNinja details.

Step 8: Once you open the link – you will be able to login BitNinja dashboard successfully.

That’s it!

Don’t have a CloudJiffy account? Visit and click on Free Signup for a free 14 days trial.

Happy Hosting!

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