CloudJiffy 8.2.4 Release Notes
What’s New?
SSH Key Types Support
Currently, the platform supports the following SSH key types:
Subscription Based Solutions
All the available subscriptions are available at the Marketplace under a new Subscription Plans section. Upon selecting, you’ll see several plans to choose from (e.g. offering a different quantity of resources, additional features, etc.). Click the Buy button for the preferred option to see the purchase dialog. You can pay monthly or annually, enable auto pay with your default payment method, and set the required number of product instances in your subscription.
Subscription Based Solutions
AlmaLinux 8 OS Support
What’s Changed?
Extended Environment Metadata
Custom Data in Cloud Scripting Response
Cloud Scripting is a platform-dedicated programming language developed for application packaging, operation automation, and complex CI/CD flows integration. This powerful automation tool implements popular solutions such as the Let’s Encrypt add-on or various auto-clusters. It can also be utilized by platform end-users to automate their own operations.
In the current 8.2.4 PaaS release, the ability to return custom data with the API request response was implemented. For example, it is used to add information on the skipped domains to the Let’s Encrypt add-on installation response.
SSL Installation Error Description
Refilling with 3DS Cards
3D Secure (3DS) protocol adds an extra layer of payment authentication for additional fraud protection during an online transaction. If used, the cardholder is asked to provide proof of identity by entering a unique password, an SMS code, or a temporary PIN. 3DS can be mandatory in some regions (e.g. Europe due to the Strong Customer Authentication regulation) and optional in others (but still can be used to reduce fraud).
When refilling the account balance using the saved payment method with the 3DS, the platform will provide an explicit notification that the invoice was created, but the transaction should be completed through additional external authentication.
API Changes
Below, you can find a list of all changes to the public API in the 8.2.4 platform version:
- Added new methods to the environment > control service that allow adding and managing custom data in the environment – AddEnvProperty, RemoveEnvProperty, ApplyEnvProperty, GetEnvProperty
- Added a new Billing > Subscriptions service with API methods to support the subscriptions feature
Software Stack Versions
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