
New template updates and features

Hi All,

Templates updated in the week of 9th Aug:


Сouchbase 7.0.0


Mysql 5.7.35, 8.0.26

Mysql 5.7.35

Mysql 8.0.26


MariaDB 10.3.30, 10.4.20, 10.5.11, 10.6.3

MariaDB 10.3.30

MariaDB 10.4.20

MariaDB 10.5.11

MariaDB 10.6.3


Percona 5.7.33, 8.0.23

Percona 5.7.33

Percona 8.0.23


As an addition to the above updates of MySQL, Percona, MariaDB, it should be stated that apart from version updates, there is also new functionality available in mentioned templates, namely:

  • Templates utilize a modern systemd initialization program, which contains multiple features and tools required for the auto-configuration implementation
  • A special JELASTIC_AUTOCONFIG environment variable defines if the auto-configuration feature should be enabled (true, by default) or disabled (false)
  • Smart recovery after the OOM error causes automatic configurations re-adjustment to decrease the container’s default memory consumption

Note: Smart OOM recovery works on containers with the JELASTIC_AUTOCONFIG enabled and, currently, for the following database stacks only:

  • MySQL 8.0.26; 5.7.35
  • MariaDB 10.3.30; 10.4.20; 10.5.11; 10.6.3
  • Percona 5.7.33; 8.0.23

Please refer to the link for more info (note, MySQL tags in the doc will be updated later according to the provided info above)


Have a great week ahead!


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