
Why is CloudJiffy’s pricing model better than a fixed pricing model

Most major web hosting companies have pricing models that have fixed plans for the type of resource consumption your website has.

This means that you pay a fixed amount for a fixed number of resources in that package. There are some fundamental disadvantages with pricing models like these:

Since an upper cap on resources is set, you pay the full amount even if you don’t utilize all the resources in your fixed plan.

In case you decide you need more resources for your website, you need to manually upgrade your plan.

Most companies make it very difficult to downgrade to a lower plan.


Now, to solve this issue, CloudJiffy has introduced a dynamic pricing model to help you host your website while getting the best performance at the lowest costs. 

CloudJiffy is a Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) supporting 8 Major application platforms (PHP, Java, ASP.NET, NodeJS, Python, Ruby, Go and Docker). We also provide features such as auto-scaling, one-click hassle-free installation, Clustering, and Auto deployment, CDN, etc right out of the box.

The main reason CloudJiffy can help you cut back on costs is because of two out-of-the-box CloudJiffy features-                                                                                                       

Auto-Scaling  →


1. Auto- Vertical Scaling → 

Automatic vertical scaling is done by CloudJiffy’s ability to dynamically change the amount of allocated resources (RAM and CPU) according to its current demands, with absolutely no manual interference required. The key idea of automatic scaling is simple – as soon as an application’s load grows, CloudJiffy simply makes additional resources available to it; and when the load goes down again, the resources get reduced by the platform automatically. CloudJiffy has a resource measuring unit called a cloudlet.

The number of cloudlets assigned to your servers at any time varies based on the resource demands of your application.


There are two types of cloudlets available: Reserved and Dynamic.

The Reserved ones are used to define the amount of resources you expect your application will certainly consume and you pay for them irrespective of actual usage. However, they are charged with lower prices compared with dynamic ones.

Dynamic cloudlets define the amount of resources your application can access, based on necessity.


2. Auto-Horizontal Scaling→

CloudJiffy allows you to automatically scale your projects horizontally, changing the number of web/application server nodes in your environment. All of the newly added nodes are created at different hardware servers, ensuring even more reliability and high-availability. You can set the minimum and maximum allowed amount of nodes, as well as the conditions for their addition or removal, by means of tunable triggers.

You simply need to set the parameters once and the platform will monitor your environments for traffic. When the usage level exceeds the stated limit, a trigger becomes invoked and the number of server nodes will go up or down.


Basically, this means you set an upper and lower limit on your resource consumption and CloudJiffy will automatically assign and remove resources as per your traffic. This means you only pay for your maximum resource consumption and not the upper limit. Also, the lower limit means you’ll pay a lower amount if your resource consumption decreases.


Pay-as-per-use pricing model


All the above-mentioned features add up to build this dynamic pricing model. All CloudJiffy costs are based on usage, not allocation – meaning you pay for resources consumed, and not for requesting that resources are made available to you (how it works elsewhere).


There are only 5 resources you have to pay for on our CloudJiffy PaaS:

  • Cloudlets
  • Disk space (first 20GB is free!)
  • Traffic (first 1GB/hour is free!)
  • Public IP addresses
  • Licenses.


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